Archive for 'General'
Bot Net Weather Report
Here is a scary report that kinda should read like a weather forecast. As the number of bot net infected computers goes up, probablity of precipitating spam increases. Like real rain, the probablility that you personally will get rained on depends on your activities and location. Of course, bring your umbrella (spam filter) since it […]
Posted: March 23rd, 2007 under General.
Tags: bad_guys, botnet, spam, spammers, spam_problem
Comments: none
RIP – John Backus
We have lost another computer software pioneer with the passing of John Backus. An entire generation of engineers and most of the early computer industry is based on the work of John and his small team at IBM. His team of about 10 misfit IBMers developed the FORTRAN language. John W. Backus, who assembled and […]
Posted: March 20th, 2007 under General.
Tags: breakthrough_ideas, hall_of_fame, innovation
Comments: none
Future Workforce – Digital Bedouins??
A couple of interesting articles on being a digital bedouin. Here, Dan Fost, San Francisco Chronicle staff writer, describes the digital bedouin subculture in San Francisco. This Computer World article gives some guidelines for being a digital bedouin. Update – 3/19 Here is a BBC News article on the same topic also referencing Dan Fost’s […]
Posted: March 16th, 2007 under General.
Tags: balance, life, work
Comments: none