Archive for 'General'
NASCAR – doping scandal?
What has the world come to when Americas favorite past time has been corrupted by the forces of evil. It seems that even NASCAR isn’t immune to a doping scandal! What you haven’t heard? But, it isn’t what you think. Most sports depend on human performance, so if you want more performance you dope the […]
Posted: February 16th, 2007 under General.
Tags: doping, sports_doping
Comments: none
Have you changed your router password?
BBC News reports that 50% of home users have NOT changed the default passwords on their router administrative privileges. Researchers from the University of Indiana and security firm Symantec created an attack that surreptitiously redirects a user to nefarious sites once they have visited a booby-trapped webpage. The attack works by re-writing the address book […]
Posted: February 16th, 2007 under General.
Tags: bad_guys, bbc, home_network, news, security_threat
Comments: none
Moore’s Law – alive & well
Within the last week or so there have been at least 2 announcements that I believe give renewed life to Moore’s law (not that it has been in any real danger). If you recall, Moore’s law ( as it has become known) was the prediction in 1965 by the co-founder of Intel, that “number of […]
Posted: February 15th, 2007 under General.
Tags: breakthrough_ideas, innovation
Comments: none