Archive for 'General'
Vint Cerf on Botnets
I have previously blogged on spam and the threat spam represents to the internet (see related posts on the left of this page). Included in these posts have been nearly unbelievable statistics on the size of spam problem and number of computers on the internet that have been hijacked. Well, a new chapter in this […]
Posted: January 27th, 2007 under General.
Tags: botnet, spam, spammers, spam_problem
Comments: none
Kick Starting Hydrogen Fuels
As reported on Thursday in the Aiken Standard, once again this year Sen Lindsey Graham, D-SC, has filed a bill to established the H-Prize. The H-Prize is designed to provide millions of dollars of prizes to demonstrate advances in hydrogen fuel development. Sen Graham says “As a nation, we need to become less dependent on […]
Posted: January 27th, 2007 under General.
Tags: aiken, hydrogen_fuels, innocentive, innovation, south_carolina, WSJ
Comments: none
How to fix a Wobbly Table
Here is a good one. Everybody has at one time or another been in a restaurant and sat at a wobbly table. You may even be a food server and have some of your tables that are wobbly. Well here is one for you and maybe it will bring a bigger tip. Scientific American is […]
Posted: January 26th, 2007 under General.
Tags: sciam
Comments: none