Archive for 'Books'
Missing History Filled
I highly recommend this history of the early settlers in what was to become New York City. By reading this book you will become very sensitive as to how strong an English bias has developed around our early history. It is well known that history is written by the “winners” and this is never more […]
Posted: March 25th, 2011 under Books.
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Oliver Stone & Camel Club are back
Classic Baldacci! David Baldacci is the master of this adventure genre and Hell’s Corner doesn’t disappoint. I am fortunate to have started with the first Camel Club book so I have followed Oliver Stone’s exploits with each new release. Hell’s Corner keeps up Baldacci’s fast paced format with plenty of plot twists. In my other […]
Posted: January 13th, 2011 under Books.
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Nathan Hale – a biography
Anyone that has grownup in Connecticut, particularly near Coventry, the Nathan Hale homestead has heard the story of Hale’s patriotism and oft quoted final words. I count myself among one of these Connecticut Yankees. But as I started this book I realized I was ignorant of the details of Hale’s life and service in the […]
Posted: January 10th, 2011 under Books.
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