Archive for 'General'
Firekeeper – Firefox Intrusion Detection Extension
I simply love Firefox. The ability to tailor the browser operation through extensions makes it a winner. Mozdev is added another reason to consider Firefox. From development site : Firekeeper is an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Firefox. It is able to detect, block and warn the user about malicious sites. Firekeeper uses flexible rules […]
Posted: March 13th, 2007 under General.
Tags: firefox, firewall, malware, security_threat
Comments: none
Photographer’s Rights
In the last day or so there have been several stories on local news media involving the use of cell phone cameras to capture videos. In the case last night, the video showed a shop owner detaining a robbery suspect at gun point. In turns out the suspect was arrested. BTW, his armed accomplice was […]
Posted: March 9th, 2007 under General.
Tags: bad_guys, cell_phone, news
Comments: none
Shift Happens
Thanks to the Shifted Librarian, this video is great. After you watch this video remember the African proverb cited by Thomas Friedman in his book “The World is Flat“. “Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up,†begins an African proverb quoted on the walls of an American-owned factory in Beijing that Friedman visits, “It […]
Posted: March 3rd, 2007 under General.
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