Archive for 'Watercolor & Sketching'
Old Farm House
This my first attempt at a “real” watercolor. This painting is based on a lesson in a watercolor textbook. As with most of these first attempts; somethings worked, some didn’t. I like the sky pretty well. But in general the colors aren’t strong enough. I was too tentative with pigments. Also I am just beginning […]
Posted: June 1st, 2005 under Watercolor & Sketching.
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Green Car Value Sketch
Here is a value sketch done in pencil of a green antique car photograph. I haven’t got around to do the watercolor yet. Update Oct 20, 2005 Here is the watercolor I completed of the pencil value sketch. I experimented with using Dr. Martin black liquid watercolor for the shadows and DaVinci veridian green for […]
Posted: May 31st, 2005 under Watercolor & Sketching.
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My First Watercolor Classes
Well last night was the last class of the Chester County Night School watercolor class. This series of classses were taught by Chris Chatwick. Chris is a experienced watercolorist (mostly landscapes) and experienced teacher. His style of teaching uses a minimual pallette and of course, hands-on painting. Most classes start by Chris demonstrating techniques and […]
Posted: May 26th, 2005 under Watercolor & Sketching.
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