Not 2 magnets!!
Tim O’Reilly has one of the best blogs (O’Reilly Radar) around related to technology and the internet. His company has now also created a European version of the radar.
Well leave it his European office to come up with real winner
From yesterday’s blog entry
The Cambridge-based (the UK Cambridge) Naked Scientists have published a book called Naked Science. Naked Science is written by Chris Smith – his first book no less – and is priced at an attractive £7.99. For a flavour of the book:
“What could be more attractive than magnets . . . and swallowing them?
American radiologists in late 2004 warned parents of the dangers of swallowing more than one magnet at a time. Swallowing foreign objects is common among all children, but luckily, 80% of the swallowed objects pass harmlessly through the gastrointestinal system on their own, single magnets included. Consuming more than one magnet can spell disaster, however – because the magnets are attracted to each other across the walls of the intestines, with the result that loops of bowel become locked together. The ensuing life-threatening tangle can lead to tissue death and/or perforation of the intestinal wall.”
So, remember only 1 magnet at a time!!
Posted: January 27th, 2007 under General.
Tags: blog_entry, science, tim_oreilly, wacky