Tag: blog_entry
Pleasure of Rabbit Holes
If you missed yesterday’s New York Times magazine (no registration required) take a look at this article from the “The Medium” column. I admit that I’m strongly old school when it comes to books. I like being able to hold them, carry them around etc. Computer screens just don’t do it. But computer screens and […]
Posted: October 22nd, 2007 under General.
Tags: blog_entry, book, internet, new york times magazine, newspaper
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America’s War on Science
As if we didn’t have enough hurtles for student science creativity here is another. From this blog Some of my fondest childhood memories involve standing over the metal cabinet of my Chemcraft chemistry set,…. Mine too In Texas, you need to register the purchase of Erlenmeyer flasks or three-necked beakers. The same state where I […]
Posted: June 18th, 2007 under General.
Tags: blog_entry, innovation, science, stupidity
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Just Give the One Finger Salute and Keep Going
In many ways this story illustrates the spirit of America. Unfortunately, I think today we have alot of people that have gotten the “salute” part down perfectly, but missed the part about making something happen! BTW, you’ll also learn a bit trivia. Name the only man to go supersonic not in a vehicle? I guess […]
Posted: May 21st, 2007 under General.
Tags: blog_entry, innovation, life, tim_oreilly
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