So, where did you get your news yesterday?
The PEW Internet & American Life project has just released a report  on where Americans get there news. From their page 
“By the end of 2005, 50 million Americans got news online on a typical day, a sizable increase since 2002. Much of that growth has been fueled by the rise in home broadband connections over the last four years. For a group of “high-powered” online users – early adopters of home broadband who are the heaviest internet users – the internet is their primary news source on the average day”
and from the summary findings of the report”
and, of course, I am one of the Americans that regularly gets news from the Internet. In general, I spend more time reading Google news and RSS feeds than watching local news. The appealing aspect of Internet news is the ability to select that news to see versus continually listening to the appalling homicide rate in Philadelphia .
Posted: March 24th, 2006 under General.
Tags: google, news, tv