Tag: bad_guys
Have you changed your router password?
BBC News reports that 50% of home users have NOT changed the default passwords on their router administrative privileges. Researchers from the University of Indiana and security firm Symantec created an attack that surreptitiously redirects a user to nefarious sites once they have visited a booby-trapped webpage. The attack works by re-writing the address book […]
Posted: February 16th, 2007 under General.
Tags: bad_guys, bbc, home_network, news, security_threat
Comments: none
Malware beyond our jursidiction?
One malaise I often hear is that there is so much malware propagation because the host sites are off shore in countries that don’t have strong laws, and ineffective, uninterested or corrupt law enforcement. The often cited bottomline is don’t bother it’s a waste of time and energy to try and go after the bad […]
Posted: January 22nd, 2007 under General.
Tags: bad_guys, firefox, malware, security_threat, spam
Comments: none