Tag: navigation
10 lbs in 5 lb bag!
There have been lots of stories in the UK press about drivers blindly following GPS instructions from “Jill” (or maybe Jack) rather than reading road signs or believing their eyes. Well, now it’s our turn. This report comes from the Seattle P-I. It seems the bus driver in the picture believed Jill rather than the […]
Posted: April 18th, 2008 under General.
Tags: bus, gps, low bridge, navigation, seattle, warning sign
Comments: none
For the “Back Seat” Driver with Everything
I know, it’s a little late to come up with XMAS gift suggestions. But it is THAT time of the year and I couldn’t resist this one. Are you tired of those standard navigation voices telling you “In, 1 mile, turn right on…..” ya I know already. Well, if you haven’t already splurged for Mister […]
Posted: December 20th, 2007 under General.
Tags: , aid, gps, navigation, talking, wacky, XMAS
Comments: none