Tag: wired magazine
Manufacturing Innovations
The cover article in the Feb 2010 issue of Wired magazine is a very interesting article on manufacturing innovation. For many years now it has been popular (and perhaps not without some validity) for Americans to wring our hands over the lose of manufacturing jobs in the US. This article provides a perspective more akin to Friedman’s […]
Posted: February 22nd, 2010 under General.
Tags: article, innovation, manufacturing, wired magazine
Comments: none
“Office Space” Scheme for Real
For those of us into cult movies Office Space ranks near the top. Insiders easily identify themselves with reference to the red Swingline! For all you insiders, do you remember the swindle that the IT gurus were perpetrating on the company? They collected round-down interest beyond the penny and deposited it to their bank account; […]
Posted: May 28th, 2008 under General.
Tags: banking, brokerage, larceny, movie, office, office space, online, wired magazine
Comments: 1