Archive for 'General'
Engineering Management Hacks
reference to Tim O’Reilly’s comments on engineering hacks
Posted: December 8th, 2006 under General.
Tags: blog_entry, tim_oreilly, work
Comments: none
Books – 2006
Books read and to read in 2006
Posted: November 15th, 2006 under General.
Tags: book
Comments: none
Best Site for Real Time Traffic Data
Here is the best traffic status map I have seen in awhile. I haven’t tried these, but their web site describes. Alerts on specific routes can be sent as e-mails to PDA’s or as text messages to cell phones. Also, by calling 866 MY-TRAFC (866 698-7232) you can hear voice reports. Here are some examples […]
Posted: October 31st, 2006 under General.
Tags: analysis
Comments: none