Apani 3.5 VPN Client Running on Asus EeePC
Getting the client running on my new EeePC was almost embarrassingly simple. Kubuntu 7.10 and eeXubuntu on the EeePC use the same kernel version (2.6.22). Thus, all I had to do was make the changes pioneered by mstamand on the Ubuntu support forum (thread), compile the client on my Kubuntu machine, copy it to the EeePC and run the install script.
I have NOT tried to get the client running on a vanilla EeePC with the stock Xandros kernel. At this point I have tweaked the eeXubuntu install enough that I’m not really interested in going back to the beginning. However, Xandros uses a 2.6.21 kernel so the client should work pretty well.
BTW, the EeePC makes a pretty good portable DVD player with an external USB DVD drive. The fun continues 🙂
Posted: January 4th, 2008 under General.
Tags: Asus, EeePC, eeXubuntu, internet, Kubuntu, laptop, linux, vpn, Xandros