Tag: Xandros
Apani 3.5 VPN Client Running on Asus EeePC
Getting the client running on my new EeePC was almost embarrassingly simple. Kubuntu 7.10 and eeXubuntu on the EeePC use the same kernel version (2.6.22). Thus, all I had to do was make the changes pioneered by mstamand on the Ubuntu support forum (thread), compile the client on my Kubuntu machine, copy it to the […]
Posted: January 4th, 2008 under General.
Tags: Asus, EeePC, eeXubuntu, internet, Kubuntu, laptop, linux, vpn, Xandros
Comments: none
New Toy
With all the hype around the Asus EeePC I couldn’t resist. With just a VERY small nudge from the wife I jumped in with a 4G model 701 that arrived last night. I also got a USB external DVD drive and 2 GB memory module. All from Newegg. I can report that all of the […]
Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under General.
Tags: , Asus, computer, EeePC, laptop, linux, wifi, work, Xandros, Xbuntu
Comments: 2