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New Toy

With all the hype around the Asus EeePC I couldn’t resist. With just a VERY small nudge from the wife I jumped in with a 4G model 701 that arrived last night.
I also got a USB external DVD drive and 2 GB memory module. All from Newegg.

I can report that all of the comments/ hype are valid. I love the little thing. 90% of everything you need in a “laptop” in just 2 lbs and a small package. It really shouldn’t be called a laptop since it is really too small for your lap! Maybe legtop 😉

The only negative, and I knew this, is the keyboard. It is about a small as a full QWERTY can get. Since I am not a touch typer this isn’t much of a problem. For real typist, the keyboard would take getting used to.

After unpacking and turning it on to make sure it worked, I started exploring the vanilla basic Xandros that is installed. As an experienced Linux user, I don’t like the Easy Mde. I had a hard time finding configuration stuff. Once you’ve gotten used to a standard desktop, burying options under hokey icons becomes annoying. I suppose it’s great if you haven’t used computers much, but it’s not for me.

Ok, it works so now on to the upgrades and mods, of course!
1. Changed out the 512 MB RAM for 2GB, ASUS used to say that this was a warranty violation but no more. Perfect! BTW, the Xandros implementation that comes with EeePC is hard limited to seeing only 1 GB. To use the entire 2 GB with Xandros requires a modified kernel installation but I’m not going to use Xandros linux anyway

2. Install a modified Xbuntu (eeeXbuntu rev 3) linux via the external DVD drive. Perfect! Xbuntu has numerous features that the provided Xandros doesn’t. Result is a full linux desktop running in the palm of your hand!

Now I’m just tweaking the details of any linux install, printers, bookmarks, Wifi, etc etc. I have 2 major goals for the EeePC

a. Get a PSK31 ham radio station running with it

b. Get the Apani VPN client running.


Comment from the wife
Time January 3, 2008 at 2:35 pm

a VERY small nudge (ha!!) — it is his anniversary present

Comment from Matthew
Time January 3, 2008 at 3:21 pm

Very cool! (Both the new toy and the fact that your wife comments on your blog.)

It’s too bad people keep neutering the power of Linux on some of these devices, but it’s obviously more of an invitation than a deterent for the true power users.

Any chance you can get some corporate development money for your VPN efforts? Converting a few Crackberry-addicted executives into high-profile mobile bloggers would be quite a coup!

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