Tag: wifi
Droid 2 Wifi analyzer and antenna
Today, I was playing with a Droid 2 application called Wifi Analyzer. This application turns the phone into a wifi channel spectrum analyzer showing all the received wifi signals across the entire 2.4 Ghz spectrum. Cool! Now you can easily check your home wifi setup and make sure everyone in the neighborhood isn’t using the […]
Posted: August 23rd, 2010 under Android.
Tags: antenna, Droid 2, wifi, wifi analyzer
Comments: none
New Toy
With all the hype around the Asus EeePC I couldn’t resist. With just a VERY small nudge from the wife I jumped in with a 4G model 701 that arrived last night. I also got a USB external DVD drive and 2 GB memory module. All from Newegg. I can report that all of the […]
Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under General.
Tags: , Asus, computer, EeePC, laptop, linux, wifi, work, Xandros, Xbuntu
Comments: 2
“Is it time for the meeting?”
Some years back there was a GREAT!! TV commercial where a mother was torn between attending a business meeting or going to beach with her young daughter.The punch line was the little girl shouting to her mother (obviously over heard on the cell phone) “Is it time for the meeting?”. Well Wired magazine has helped […]
Posted: January 4th, 2007 under General.
Tags: tv, wifi, Wired_magazine
Comments: none