Archive for 'General'
Malware beyond our jursidiction?
One malaise I often hear is that there is so much malware propagation because the host sites are off shore in countries that don’t have strong laws, and ineffective, uninterested or corrupt law enforcement. The often cited bottomline is don’t bother it’s a waste of time and energy to try and go after the bad […]
Posted: January 22nd, 2007 under General.
Tags: bad_guys, firefox, malware, security_threat, spam
Comments: none
Stock SPAM – Scholarly Analysis
SPAM has REALLY come of age, at least in a mobid sense! It is now worthy of scholarly analysis. Laura Frieder (Purdue University) and Jonathan Zittrain (Oxford University) have done an analysis of stock Pump & Dump SPAM. My emphasis added. If true, now you know the motive …..$$$$$ Here is their abstract Abstract: We […]
Posted: January 21st, 2007 under General.
Tags: analysis, spam, spammers
Comments: none
Online Social Networks are Really Hot!
Of course, it is not new news to everyone that is reading this blog that online social networks are hot. So, why am wasting your time stating the obvious. Public libraries are SERIOUSLY considering the ramifications of all this stuff! Consider the following 2 items at American Library Association Mid-winter convention in Seattle. (Man, only […]
Posted: January 19th, 2007 under General.
Tags: librarians, online_computer_library_center, public_libraries, social_networking, social_networks
Comments: none